Chimera Integrations, LLC

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Secure Women: Leading in Security Initiative

Taylor Matthews (top left) - Sales Director for Paige Datacom USA and Canada; A market specialist for wire, cable, and more that directly assists system integrators and the security industry

Connie Moorhead (top right) - Owner and CEO of the CMOOR group; an ed-tech firm focusing services to the security, fire, and life safety industry | Women in Security Forum Power 100 Honoree | STEM Mentor

Paula Balmori (bottom left) - Global Director of Security Design and Integration at Brivo; a cloud-based access control company | Board President of the Secure Building Council | Architect

Rebecca Bayne (bottom right) - President, Founder, and Owner of Bayne Consulting and Search; Firm focusing on recruiting talent in the physical security integration industry

March 8th, 2024 | By Sadie Stiles & Brandi LaVarnway

In honor of International Women's Day, we're excited to launch this initiative dedicated to celebrating and learning from women in the security industry. We've reached out to four remarkable women leaders and asked them nine insightful questions to uncover their perspectives, experiences, and wisdom. Through these interviews, we aim to inspire, empower, and amplify the voices of women in security, showcasing their invaluable contributions and paving the way for a more inclusive future. Join us on this journey as we delve into the insights and stories of these inspiring women.