Secure. Proactive. Protected.
Improving efficiency, level of care,
patient experience and accountability.
Acute Care, Skilled Care, Critical Access Hospitals, Assisted Living, Rehabilitation, Behavioral Health, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Medical Clinics, PACE facilities, Pediatrics, Dental Offices and more.

Jeron Nurse Call & Clinical Workflow
Jeron Nurse Call can streamline your caregiver workflow and increase patient satisfaction in any healthcare facility.
Jeron's flagship nurse call system has endless integration possibilities, customizations and configuration options.
Crisp and clear Voice over IP audio communication
SIP wireless phone, pocket pager, real-time location systems (RTLS), digital whiteboard integration and more
Touch screen nurse console with softkey buttons
One touch workflow stations to place reminders and requests like rounding and requesting transport
Real-time-location integration for passive rounding
Team-Based Rounding and Reminders
Automated Room Turnover
8-color programmable dome lights
Built in programmable buttons on the patient stations that can be used for code blue, staff emergency and more
A robust nurse call system with numerous customization options, various stations to choose from and reporting options.
Built on the same back bone as the Provider 790 for easy upgrading and better performance
Touchscreen staff console allows staff to speak with patients with 2-way communication into the patient room or bathroom
8-color dome light with customization options
Patient/resident status indicators outside of each room
Bathroom stations have a programable pull cord and push button
Bed monitoring with bed exit alarms
Can use specialty call cords like bed pads, breath calls and more
One-touch workflows allow caregivers to request assistance
Alpha-numeric call orders
Wireless phone, pager, overhead paging integration and more
A simple nurse call system with many integration options.
Optional audio stations allows 2-way communication between staff and patients
Users can use pillow speakers for TV control and to call for help
LED dome lights with multiple color and strobing options
Alarm rerouting allows caregivers to receive the appropriate calls
Bed Exit monitoring
Integrated rounding reminders
Staff consoles can display multiple active calls on the system and staff can choose which call they want to respond to via voice communication
Wireless phone, pocket page, overhead paging and other integrations
A simplistic and cost effect nurse call system.
Users can easily place calls for help
Fully supervised system notifies the facility of any issues
Integration with wander management and wireless pagers
LED dome lights outside resident rooms
Optional resident check-in feature
Activity and logging reporting system
Patient & Nurse Smartboards
Vizabli’s Acute Care Engagement Solution (ACES) makes real-time data visible to the right people, when and where it is needed. It also gives back countless hours to nurses by eliminating the need to update and maintain dry erase boards in the patient rooms and the nurse station.
An Acute Care Engagement Solution combines traditional “patient engagement” services with staff engagement and public engagement solutions and delivers real-time data to everyone involved in the patient journey, including hospital staff, patients, and patient friends and family members.
Patient Smartboard
Staff & Family Mobile Apps
Door Smartboard
Wall Mounted Smart TV
Nurse Station Smartboard
Infant Protection
Keep even your littlest patients safe and secure with infant security bracelets.
Protecting newborn patients from the threat of abduction is a top priority in all well-run hospitals and birthing centers. Providing high-quality infant security in a hospital environment is easier and more affordable than ever with Cuddles Infant Protection System from Accutech Healthcare Security Solutions. Now available with multiple system options to fit any budget.
Senior Living
Advanced monitoring solutions including wander management, access control, nurse call, and mobile alert management, each product available individually or together in a single platform.
Mobile Alerting and Management
This phone-based alternative to pagers, adds staff efficiency tools and helps Caregivers reduce response times by eliminating duplicate efforts.
Wireless Nurse Call System
Quantum Nurse Call gives residents freedom and security with attractive and convenient wireless call buttons and pull cords.
Wander Management and Access Control
Quantum Door Control is the only single platform wander management and access control system on the market.
Remote Patient Care Monitoring
Allow staff to safely monitor multiple patients from a single remote workstation. Using discreet non-recording monitoring solutions equipped with intelligent video analytics removes the need for in-person caretakers to be present with every patient.
Monitor several patients from a single remote monitoring workstation
Interact with patients in real time integrated communications
Privacy masking to enhance patient privacy
Advanced video analytics to help manage and supervise patients
Camera call-up with integrated nurse call platforms
Easy setup with Wisenet WAVE VMS video wall feature
Hanwha Vision is a proud provider of IP camera technology to Epic’s EHR (Electronic Health Record) solution for hospitals, health systems, and medical facilities.
Mutliple Patient Monitoring
Monitor and communicate with several patient rooms from any Epic workstation.
Real-time Camera Control
Clinical staff can control the pan, tilt, and zoom capabilities of Hanwha Vision cameras installed in patient rooms.
Computer Visions Anaylytics
Automatic and intelligent notifications and alarms are triggered upon a possible patient fall event using advanced behavioral analytics.
Staff Safety & Emergency Preparedness
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities cannot bear the undue burden of threats from workplace violence and other forms of interpersonal attacks that can put their staff, visitors, and patients at risk. Your security and operations teams are tasked with protecting everyone in their care, but traditional metal detectors can result in unsafe lines at entryways, creating a soft target scenario themselves and significantly increasing the anxiety of your patients and visitors.
Ensure that everyone who enters your facility is safe and protected with AI-powered weapons detection that is 10 times faster than metal detectors—screening 4,000 people per hour. Screening for possible weapons threats at every entryway ensures your staff feel safer, maintains a sense of dignity and welcome for all visitors and patients, and helps to prevent those intending to do harm.
A Safer, More Welcoming Entry.
Effective weapons screening is essential to stem the tide of violence in healthcare facilities, which has also increased staff retention problems.
Intercom/Paging Audio & Synchronized Clock Systems
Synchronized clocks for hospitals help medical professionals keep accurate time documentation and record-keeping.
Recording sentinel events like patient harm, injury or death.
On-time delivery of medication, testing and surgical procedures.
Accurate documentation of coded events.
Consistent shift changes for hospital personnel.
Time-based billing and insurance disputes.